Find out about requirements, fees, and deadlines
Stony Brook is a highly selective institution, seeking to enroll those students who demonstrate the intellectual curiosity and academic ability to succeed. Applicants are evaluated on an individual basis. There is no automatic cutoff in the admission process, either in grade point average, rank, or test scores. The Admissions Committee seeks to enroll the strongest and most diverse class possible.
Transfer students are important members of our academic community. For admission purposes, you are a transfer student if you have registered at a college or university after graduating from high school. Applicants are required to have performed well in a strong academic program, and typically will have completed at least 24 credits with a GPA of 2.8 or higher by the time they submit their application. Some academic programs have special requirements, which may include prerequisite courses or a higher GPA.
"We are the leaders and the innovators, the thinkers and the doers, experts at turning our failures into the catalysts of our success. Stony Brook gives us the tools and foundation to keep on going."