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Augsburg is making a major shift from a “gatekeeper” model of admissions to an enrollment experience focused on student belonging. This new program, called Augsburg Applies To You, includes a totally new way to be admitted and a new approach to student engagement that is connected to first-year student success. Under this direct admissions approach, students who meet a certain GPA threshold will be immediately offered admission. We do not require: essays, test-scores or letters of recommendation. We want to make admission decisions quickly to explore what it means to be an Auggie, knowing you could already be one.
The traditional roles in the admissions process will be intentionally reversed to better cultivate student belonging. Focusing on the prospective student’s many attributes, we intend to replace the transactional with the relational and recruiting with personal coaching. Our admissions professionals will continue their connection with students well after starting classes. This equity-minded shift will better align the admissions process with Augsburg’s values and give us the needed time to support students in navigating the college selection process
"There are constantly ways to enrich your experience at Augsburg, whether it's events, conferences, internship opportunities, work opportunities, or study abroad. Everyone has a fair shot at being able to utilize these resources and get to where they want to be. If you know where you want to end up, the folks here will do everything in their power to get you there."